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Saturday, September 1, 2012
Price of Justice for an IrishNigger international | rights a... on Twitpic
Price of Justice for an IrishNigger international | rights a... on Twitpic
BBC BRUTISH BULLSCUTTER COPERATIONDon't even give them a chance to launch their Bullscutter !Oh, no. Brutish Bullscutter Coperation. Don't come fucking near me today. Dear Jaysus, you Kerry fucking recruits and gobshites all over the Irish media are their by-product. There are so many things I could say to express my deep mistrust and yes, anger of these new media Irish opinion makers. Their world service can be a titillating export but their rampant censorship of the restless native's replies stinks to high heaven, of arrogance, cultural imperialism and age old repression. I don't vote right wing as far as I know, so maybe that also explains my antagonism to them. I don't believe the Brutish Bullscutter Coperation, which henceforth will be simply called the BBC, offer anything approximating legitimate alternatives for this country, indeed any country but thats their business. I disagree with their monarchy, class system of commoners, lords, inherited privilige and intolerance of diversity or alternatives.Lest you think nationalism is blinding me, do not confuse my rants against Brutish Bullscutter with the many Scottish, English and Welsh friends I have known down through the years, most of whom are the salt of the Earth in my opinion and great people.It goes against every fibre of my being and tradition to be rude to people but you have got to stand up for your identity these days or become a smiling zombie product of their pundits and seductive manipulating bullscutter. Brutes are people too but we must take this tour d'arse with all of its insanity, as a relief from the bland sanitized, couldn't give a fuck mercenary BULLSCUTTER ! of our age.
BBC BRUTISH BULLSCUTTER COPERATIONDon't even give them a chance to launch their Bullscutter !Oh, no. Brutish Bullscutter Coperation. Don't come fucking near me today. Dear Jaysus, you Kerry fucking recruits and gobshites all over the Irish media are their by-product. There are so many things I could say to express my deep mistrust and yes, anger of these new media Irish opinion makers. Their world service can be a titillating export but their rampant censorship of the restless native's replies stinks to high heaven, of arrogance, cultural imperialism and age old repression. I don't vote right wing as far as I know, so maybe that also explains my antagonism to them. I don't believe the Brutish Bullscutter Coperation, which henceforth will be simply called the BBC, offer anything approximating legitimate alternatives for this country, indeed any country but thats their business. I disagree with their monarchy, class system of commoners, lords, inherited privilige and intolerance of diversity or alternatives.Lest you think nationalism is blinding me, do not confuse my rants against Brutish Bullscutter with the many Scottish, English and Welsh friends I have known down through the years, most of whom are the salt of the Earth in my opinion and great people.It goes against every fibre of my being and tradition to be rude to people but you have got to stand up for your identity these days or become a smiling zombie product of their pundits and seductive manipulating bullscutter. Brutes are people too but we must take this tour d'arse with all of its insanity, as a relief from the bland sanitized, couldn't give a fuck mercenary BULLSCUTTER ! of our age.
Price of Justice for an IrishNigger international | rights a... on Twitpic
Price of Justice for an IrishNigger international | rights a... on Twitpic
international | rights and freedoms | opinion/analysis
Saturday September 01, 2012 21:25
by BrianClarkeNUJ - AllVoices
The Price of Justice for an IrishNigger

What Civil Rights ?
"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands ... is the definition of tyranny."
- James Madison
The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist.
Winston Churchill as, In The Highest Degree Odious : Detention Without Trial in Wartime Britain by A. W. B. Simpson
Forty years ago Marian Price marched for civil rights, with her friend Moira Drumm in British Occupied Ireland after being inspired by the Black Civil Rights movement lead by Martin Luther King in the US. Over 40 year later on a windy day, she reached up and held a script, to prevent it being blown away, while a masked man read the traditional IRA’s “Easter Message.” She was arrested on May 13th 2011 and charged with encouraging support of an illegal organisation. Marian appeared three days later in court in Derry, where she was granted bail but as she left the courthouse, she was re-arrested, as per order of a document, signed by the Vice royal Owen Paterson and taken to high-security, solitary confinement in the all male Maghaberry jail. The court case was meaningless, because Paterson’s contempt for justice and due process was trumped by his order to override the bail decision of the Judiciary.
Now, as a result of sensory deprivation torture, she is seriously ill and has been transferred to a Belfast hospital, like her former friend Moira Drumm whom the British shot dead in a Belfast hospital many years ago. Marian is under armed guard with locked bolted doors, barred windows and under 24 hour surveillance. She is gravely ill with pneumonia, while probably being held until she dies in one way or another. Paterson’s order for Marian to effectively die in a British prison, was based on “intelligence” information from his secret services, who have a vested interest in the internment of traditional Irish republicans and political dissidents.
In July, Marian was then charged with “providing property for the purposes of terrorism” allegedly having bought a mobile phone which the British maintained was subsequently used in the killing of two British soldiers at Massereene barracks, back in early 2009. Marian was held then, for two days, questioned about this specific allegation, before being released without charge. No evidence was found in the interim or proffered to the court on this matter. The Judge looking at precisely the same lack of evidence, again granted Marian bail. But yet again as she left the court, another unelected vice royal Paterson order, took precedence over the judge and the court.The Massereene charge was meant to discredit her and associate her with the shootings to undermine a public campaign for her release which attracted considerable support, from people not politically aligned, who could not fathom what crime she had actually been committed, at the traditional Easter Commemoration. Since then the British have orchestrated several personal whispering campaigns, against Marian and her supporters.
A year after her original arrest, the charges relating to the commemoration were thrown out of a Derry court by the judge, who was told, preliminary papers were still not ready. Judge McElholm declared every citizen was entitled to a fair trial, in a reasonable period and that the British had clearly not met this criteria. But again Marian was imprisoned by an order from Paterson. This was the third time a court ordered her released and the third time the unelected English Vice royal in British Occupied Ireland, overruled the court and said no. Further to overruling the judiciary, he also overruled his own Queen. Marian Price was previously given a full royal pardon by the Queen of England or the royal Prerogative of Mercy.Cardinal O'Fiach the head of the Catholic Church bore witness to the fact. Vice royal Paterson again claimed that this document, which would set Marian free, had been lost or shredded by his colleagues. This is a rather serious matter, because perverting the course of justice, is a very serious matter carrying a life in prison for ordinary mortals.
Patrick Ramsey, a Social Democratic Labour member of the elected British Assembly recently wrote to Paterson about this "lost" pardon and formally asked;
-- Where would Mrs. Price-McGlinchey's pardon have been held?
-- How many staff are currently seeking the document and in what departments?
-- Are those looking for it doing so on a full-time basis, if not, why not?
-- Has the Northern Ireland Office received comment from the judiciary on the apparent loss of the document?
-- How many Royal Prerogative's have been lost (or destroyed) that the government has record of?
-- Who is ultimately responsible for the care and maintenance of the building where these documents are kept?
-- What communication [has Paterson] personally had with this person/Department?
-- Can [Paterson] confirm the Department is still seeking the document and will do so until it is found?
Again the unelected English Vice royal Paterson in Ireland contemptuously dismissed the elected Irish Assembly member Ramsey's inquiry, stating that "unfortunately the Royal Prerogative of Mercy was not recovered but had no bearing on current circumstances. Patterson has now even gone further and is now demanding, the local elected Assembly be downsized and it's 'peace process' structures be dismantled.
The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Juan Mendez and two leading criminologists, Dr. Phil Scraton of Queen’s University and Dr. Linda Moore of the University of Ulster, have visited Marian with all three calling for her release both on the grounds of her civil rights, basic due process and for humanitarian health reasons before she dies. Both academics and authors of several official reports on prisons in Occupied Ireland, stated: “Given the concerns expressed locally and internationally regarding her continued detention and declining health, we urge you to release her on humanitarian grounds. Marian Price has been imprisoned…without trial in circumstances which may amount to administrative internment and which we believe to be in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights.”
Vice royal Paterson the horsey blood sport enthusiast, married into British royalty, sniffed his stiff Tory upper lip and overruled their recommendation once again. Internment without trail, like all things experimented with in British Occupied Ireland, in the last 40 years of British war on the Irish people, is now being introduced in England itself. While Patterson was overruling his British judiciary and Queen, his Tory party colleagues are introducing a Bill to give it's Ministers power, to use secret service gestapo evidence in secrecy, under “Closed Material Procedures.” Such evidence would not be produced in court, for “national security” reasons, preventing even the accused, the right of defence or the right to know what charge exactly is being made against them..
When Marian was 19, she was one of nine members of the Provisional IRA, who planted four bombs in London, which included the Old Bailey almost 40 years ago in March 1973. Despite a two hour warning, a man died from a heart attack. The IRA team, included Gerry Kelly now a Minister at the Stormont parliament and she was also under orders of several current leading Irish politicians, involved in the peace process, a peace process undermining justification for huge secret service, British taxpayers budgets in Ireland. Marian Price was freed more than 30 years ago in 1980, suffering from tuberculosis, anorexia and weighing just five stone. She and her sister Dolours spent 200 days on hunger strike, demanding political status. They were force-fed three times a day for 167 of the 200 days, with a tube forced down their the throats into their stomach, which almost murdered Marian several times. The resulting trauma and psychological damage of ongoing torture then and now, led to a 1980 royal pardon because of imminent death.
Marian has insisted from the moment arrested in May last year, that she was released in 1980 on a Royal Prerogative of Mercy, which Paterson does not have the authority to override. Paterson claims its terms, which he has not seen, authorizes him to override his queen. Marian's lawyers have repeatedly asked that the pardon be produced, so the terms can be checked by a judge. One does not have to be particularly bright, cynical or subjective, listening to the contradictions in Patterson's waffle subsequently, to conclude who precisely should be spending the rest of their life in prison for perverting the course of justice in British Occupied Ireland. The cause of peace in Ireland is not served by the denial of justice. The only cause served by keeping Marian Price and other political prisoners of conscience interned without a proper trial Maghaberry, is the cause and coffers of the bloated secret service British taxpayers budgets. There is a call for those who genuinely want peace in Ireland, to work for justice and protest in Dublin on Sept 15th at 2pm, from the Garden of Remembrance.
The author would like to thank Eamonn McCann for his researched material used in this article.
Now, as a result of sensory deprivation torture, she is seriously ill and has been transferred to a Belfast hospital, like her former friend Moira Drumm whom the British shot dead in a Belfast hospital many years ago. Marian is under armed guard with locked bolted doors, barred windows and under 24 hour surveillance. She is gravely ill with pneumonia, while probably being held until she dies in one way or another. Paterson’s order for Marian to effectively die in a British prison, was based on “intelligence” information from his secret services, who have a vested interest in the internment of traditional Irish republicans and political dissidents.
In July, Marian was then charged with “providing property for the purposes of terrorism” allegedly having bought a mobile phone which the British maintained was subsequently used in the killing of two British soldiers at Massereene barracks, back in early 2009. Marian was held then, for two days, questioned about this specific allegation, before being released without charge. No evidence was found in the interim or proffered to the court on this matter. The Judge looking at precisely the same lack of evidence, again granted Marian bail. But yet again as she left the court, another unelected vice royal Paterson order, took precedence over the judge and the court.The Massereene charge was meant to discredit her and associate her with the shootings to undermine a public campaign for her release which attracted considerable support, from people not politically aligned, who could not fathom what crime she had actually been committed, at the traditional Easter Commemoration. Since then the British have orchestrated several personal whispering campaigns, against Marian and her supporters.
A year after her original arrest, the charges relating to the commemoration were thrown out of a Derry court by the judge, who was told, preliminary papers were still not ready. Judge McElholm declared every citizen was entitled to a fair trial, in a reasonable period and that the British had clearly not met this criteria. But again Marian was imprisoned by an order from Paterson. This was the third time a court ordered her released and the third time the unelected English Vice royal in British Occupied Ireland, overruled the court and said no. Further to overruling the judiciary, he also overruled his own Queen. Marian Price was previously given a full royal pardon by the Queen of England or the royal Prerogative of Mercy.Cardinal O'Fiach the head of the Catholic Church bore witness to the fact. Vice royal Paterson again claimed that this document, which would set Marian free, had been lost or shredded by his colleagues. This is a rather serious matter, because perverting the course of justice, is a very serious matter carrying a life in prison for ordinary mortals.
Patrick Ramsey, a Social Democratic Labour member of the elected British Assembly recently wrote to Paterson about this "lost" pardon and formally asked;
-- Where would Mrs. Price-McGlinchey's pardon have been held?
-- How many staff are currently seeking the document and in what departments?
-- Are those looking for it doing so on a full-time basis, if not, why not?
-- Has the Northern Ireland Office received comment from the judiciary on the apparent loss of the document?
-- How many Royal Prerogative's have been lost (or destroyed) that the government has record of?
-- Who is ultimately responsible for the care and maintenance of the building where these documents are kept?
-- What communication [has Paterson] personally had with this person/Department?
-- Can [Paterson] confirm the Department is still seeking the document and will do so until it is found?
Again the unelected English Vice royal Paterson in Ireland contemptuously dismissed the elected Irish Assembly member Ramsey's inquiry, stating that "unfortunately the Royal Prerogative of Mercy was not recovered but had no bearing on current circumstances. Patterson has now even gone further and is now demanding, the local elected Assembly be downsized and it's 'peace process' structures be dismantled.
The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Juan Mendez and two leading criminologists, Dr. Phil Scraton of Queen’s University and Dr. Linda Moore of the University of Ulster, have visited Marian with all three calling for her release both on the grounds of her civil rights, basic due process and for humanitarian health reasons before she dies. Both academics and authors of several official reports on prisons in Occupied Ireland, stated: “Given the concerns expressed locally and internationally regarding her continued detention and declining health, we urge you to release her on humanitarian grounds. Marian Price has been imprisoned…without trial in circumstances which may amount to administrative internment and which we believe to be in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights.”
Vice royal Paterson the horsey blood sport enthusiast, married into British royalty, sniffed his stiff Tory upper lip and overruled their recommendation once again. Internment without trail, like all things experimented with in British Occupied Ireland, in the last 40 years of British war on the Irish people, is now being introduced in England itself. While Patterson was overruling his British judiciary and Queen, his Tory party colleagues are introducing a Bill to give it's Ministers power, to use secret service gestapo evidence in secrecy, under “Closed Material Procedures.” Such evidence would not be produced in court, for “national security” reasons, preventing even the accused, the right of defence or the right to know what charge exactly is being made against them..
When Marian was 19, she was one of nine members of the Provisional IRA, who planted four bombs in London, which included the Old Bailey almost 40 years ago in March 1973. Despite a two hour warning, a man died from a heart attack. The IRA team, included Gerry Kelly now a Minister at the Stormont parliament and she was also under orders of several current leading Irish politicians, involved in the peace process, a peace process undermining justification for huge secret service, British taxpayers budgets in Ireland. Marian Price was freed more than 30 years ago in 1980, suffering from tuberculosis, anorexia and weighing just five stone. She and her sister Dolours spent 200 days on hunger strike, demanding political status. They were force-fed three times a day for 167 of the 200 days, with a tube forced down their the throats into their stomach, which almost murdered Marian several times. The resulting trauma and psychological damage of ongoing torture then and now, led to a 1980 royal pardon because of imminent death.
Marian has insisted from the moment arrested in May last year, that she was released in 1980 on a Royal Prerogative of Mercy, which Paterson does not have the authority to override. Paterson claims its terms, which he has not seen, authorizes him to override his queen. Marian's lawyers have repeatedly asked that the pardon be produced, so the terms can be checked by a judge. One does not have to be particularly bright, cynical or subjective, listening to the contradictions in Patterson's waffle subsequently, to conclude who precisely should be spending the rest of their life in prison for perverting the course of justice in British Occupied Ireland. The cause of peace in Ireland is not served by the denial of justice. The only cause served by keeping Marian Price and other political prisoners of conscience interned without a proper trial Maghaberry, is the cause and coffers of the bloated secret service British taxpayers budgets. There is a call for those who genuinely want peace in Ireland, to work for justice and protest in Dublin on Sept 15th at 2pm, from the Garden of Remembrance.
The author would like to thank Eamonn McCann for his researched material used in this article.
Related Link:
Irish Nigger,
Marian Price,
the price of justice
R339, Co. Galway, Ireland
Friday, August 31, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
OLYMPRIC TWITS London 2012, London Olympics, Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympics London
OLYMPRIC TWITS London 2012, London Olympics, Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympics London OLYMPRIC TWITS London 2012, London Olympics, Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympics London
BBC BRUTISH BULLSCUTTER COPERATIONDon't even give them a chance to launch their Bullscutter !Oh, no. Brutish Bullscutter Coperation. Don't come fucking near me today. Dear Jaysus, you Kerry fucking recruits and gobshites all over the Irish media are their by-product. There are so many things I could say to express my deep mistrust and yes, anger of these new media Irish opinion makers. Their world service can be a titillating export but their rampant censorship of the restless native's replies stinks to high heaven, of arrogance, cultural imperialism and age old repression. I don't vote right wing as far as I know, so maybe that also explains my antagonism to them. I don't believe the Brutish Bullscutter Coperation, which henceforth will be simply called the BBC, offer anything approximating legitimate alternatives for this country, indeed any country but thats their business. I disagree with their monarchy, class system of commoners, lords, inherited privilige and intolerance of diversity or alternatives.Lest you think nationalism is blinding me, do not confuse my rants against Brutish Bullscutter with the many Scottish, English and Welsh friends I have known down through the years, most of whom are the salt of the Earth in my opinion and great people.It goes against every fibre of my being and tradition to be rude to people but you have got to stand up for your identity these days or become a smiling zombie product of their pundits and seductive manipulating bullscutter. Brutes are people too but we must take this tour d'arse with all of its insanity, as a relief from the bland sanitized, couldn't give a fuck mercenary BULLSCUTTER ! of our age.
BBC BRUTISH BULLSCUTTER COPERATIONDon't even give them a chance to launch their Bullscutter !Oh, no. Brutish Bullscutter Coperation. Don't come fucking near me today. Dear Jaysus, you Kerry fucking recruits and gobshites all over the Irish media are their by-product. There are so many things I could say to express my deep mistrust and yes, anger of these new media Irish opinion makers. Their world service can be a titillating export but their rampant censorship of the restless native's replies stinks to high heaven, of arrogance, cultural imperialism and age old repression. I don't vote right wing as far as I know, so maybe that also explains my antagonism to them. I don't believe the Brutish Bullscutter Coperation, which henceforth will be simply called the BBC, offer anything approximating legitimate alternatives for this country, indeed any country but thats their business. I disagree with their monarchy, class system of commoners, lords, inherited privilige and intolerance of diversity or alternatives.Lest you think nationalism is blinding me, do not confuse my rants against Brutish Bullscutter with the many Scottish, English and Welsh friends I have known down through the years, most of whom are the salt of the Earth in my opinion and great people.It goes against every fibre of my being and tradition to be rude to people but you have got to stand up for your identity these days or become a smiling zombie product of their pundits and seductive manipulating bullscutter. Brutes are people too but we must take this tour d'arse with all of its insanity, as a relief from the bland sanitized, couldn't give a fuck mercenary BULLSCUTTER ! of our age.
london 2012,
London Olympics,
Olympic Games,
Olympic riots,
Olympics London,
London, 71440 Savigny-sur-Seille, France
OLYMPRIC TWITS London 2012, London Olympics, Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympics London
OLYMPRIC TWITS London 2012, London Olympics, Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympics London OLYMPRIC TWITS London 2012, London Olympics, Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympics London
My StumbleUpon Page

london 2012,
London Olympics,
Olympic Games,
Olympic riots,
Olympics London,
London, 71440 Savigny-sur-Seille, France
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Her Majestie's Last Closeted Mongol Mountie
Her Majestie's Last Closeted Mongol Mountie

" Wild and Wacky Northern Ireland "
Mounties were apparently well-bred Englishmen defending the ideals of the British empire according to English writers. However. that's not exactly how writers from the rest of the world see them, with their history of shootouts and extra-judiciary killing and kidnapping. The Mountie according to Brit writers could ride into a hostile native American camp and arrest a chief 's son without raising his weapon, because of a violent reputation of power. residing not in himself but in the history of the British Empire he symbolized.
Mounties were apparently well-bred Englishmen defending the ideals of the British empire according to English writers. However that's not exactly how writers from the rest of the world see them with their history of shootouts and extra-judiciary killing and kidnapping. The Mountie according to Brit writers could ride into a hostile native American camp and arrest a chief 's son without raising his weapon, because of a violent reputation of power residing not in himself but in the history of the British Empire he symbolized.
A Secretary of State currently on her Majesty's service in occupied Ireland, with a parliamentary record of consistently voting against gay rights, who married into royalty and money, took part in the Mongolian Derby last year the world’s longest horse race across a thousand kilometers of Mongolian Steppes for 10 days, to raise money for the Royal Irish Regiment. Nothing particularly extraordinary about that you might say but this insane Englishman of the horsey set, had to be restrained from continuing to ride on across thousands of kilometers further to meet his beloved fellow Royal Canadian mounties. While restraining him has not been confirmed with others maintaining the restraint was in fact that his wife was actually with him for the race.
On his return to Occupied Ireland with the help of his Chief mountie there, the English born again virgin Baggot kidnapped and interned without trial the highly respected, traditional Irish republican Marian Price, because he claimed, she breached the terms of the licence on which she had been released in 1980. But Marian was not actually on licence. She received a full royal pardon or “Royal Prerogative of Mercy” when she was freed in 1980 because she was on the brink of death after being force fed in an English prison for 200 days. When he was told about this, he then proceeded to tell the world that the Royal pardon had been lost or shredded, the only such occurrence in the long history of Royal pardons
Now many human and civil rights activists worldwide are pretty sceptical about all of this and as veteran campaigner Eamonn McCann put it;
" There are many people - by no means all of them sympathetic to Price's politics - who are quite prepared to disbelieve this.
Others will find it impossible to believe that a Secretary of State could supply incorrect and misleading information in a fraught and sensitive case. But, oh yes, he could.
But this is wild and wacky Northern Ireland, where normal rules don't apply, where due process is optional and, at the whim of a politician, where anything goes."
"would appear to fall within the concept of perverting the course of justice".
Perverting the course of justice in both English, Irish and even Canadian law, is a criminal offence in which someone prevents justice from being served on himself or on another party carrting a sentence of life imprisonment.
Perverting the course of justice can be any of three acts:
1) Fabricating or disposing of evidence
2) Intimidating or threatening a witness or juror
3) Intimidating or threatening a judge
Also criminal are (a) conspiring with another to pervert the course of justice and (b) intending to pervert the course of justice.
You see in the Occupied Ireland of Her Majesty's English Secretary's of state, Snidley Whiplash and Dudley always change hats, in this instance where Dudley is an insane super-villain and Whiplash the fearless royal mountie who usually a medal for bringing the evil Dudley Do-Right in or for kidnapping galpal. Don't know what I am on about, just hop on to your Irish mountie log and check how Dudley kidnaps Nell on top of his horse. You'll have a coaster ride past bad jokes and often sudden wet drops. You'll be "fit to be tied" before the finish, if you don't get how pythonesque it all is.
From an enclosed darkness, where the light at the end of the political tunnel is a train heading your way and your only escape a deep drop in the darkness below into exploding dynamite, to shoot back up, where you float past an interned Nell. You'll see fake posters of "Paw Wars" or "Three Men and a Grizzly" You're not even safe even after you're done, because a Mountie always gets his man fortunately for the better half not always his woman in the end. Anyone else get the feeling this boy tries just too hard !
Oh here are the lyrics
Pervert Patter & Born Again Baggot Want Real Ireland Closeted
I didn't want to get married, I wanted to be... a lumberjack!
Pervert Patter
I didn't want to get married, I wanted to be... a lumberjack!
Leaping from tree to tree, as they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia. The Giant Redwood. The Larch. The Fir! The mighty Scots Pine! The lofty flowering Cherry! The plucky little Apsen! The limping Roo tree of Nigeria. The towering Wattle of Aldershot! The Maidenhead Weeping Water Plant! The naughty Leicestershire Flashing Oak! The flatulent Elm of West Ruislip! The Quercus Maximus Bamber Gascoigni! The Epigillus! The Barter Hughius Greenus!
With my best buddy by my side, we'd sing! Sing! Sing!
I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay.
I sleep all night and I work all day.
Baggots :
He's a lumberjack, and he's okay.
He sleeps all night and he works all day.
Pervert Patter :
I cut down trees. I eat my lunch.
I go to the lavatory.
On Wednesdays I go shoppin'
And have buttered scones for tea.
He cuts down trees. He eats his lunch.
He goes to the lavatory.
On Wednesdays he goes shopping
And has buttered scones for tea.
He's a lumberjack, and he's okay.
He sleeps all night and he works all day.
Pervert Patter :
I cut down trees. I skip and jump.
I like to press wild flowers.
I put on women's clothing
And hang around in bars.
Baggots :
He cuts down trees. He skips and jumps.
He likes to press wild flowers.
He puts on women's clothing
And hangs around in bars?!
He's a lumberjack, and he's okay.
He sleeps all night and he works all day.
I cut down trees. I wear high heels,
Suspendies, and a bra.
I wish I'd been a girlie,
Just like my dear Papa.
He cuts down trees. He wears high heels,
Suspendies, and a bra?!
What's this? Wants to be a girlie?! Oh, My!
And I thought you were so rugged! Pervert!...
He's a lumberjack, and he's okay.
He sleeps all night and he works all day.
He's a lumberjack, and he's okaaaaay.
He sleeps all night and he works all day.
Stay insane a chara !
Related Link:
Monty Python Mountie Barber
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
BBC BRUTISH BULLSCUTTER COPERATION Don't even give them a chance to launch their Bullscutter ! Oh, no. Brutish Bullscutter Coperation. Don't come fucking near me today. Dear Jaysus, you Kerry fucking recruits and gobshites all over the Irish media are their by-product. There are so many things I could say to express my deep mistrust and yes, anger of these new media Irish opinion makers. Their world service can be a titillating export but their rampant censorship of the restless native's replies stinks to high heaven, of arrogance, cultural imperialism and age old repression. I don't vote right wing as far as I know, so maybe that also explains my antagonism to them. I don't believe the Brutish Bullscutter Coperation, which henceforth will be simply called the BBC, offer anything approximating legitimate alternatives for this country, indeed any country but thats their business. I disagree with their monarchy, class system of commoners, lords, inherited privilige and intolerance of diversity or alternatives. Lest you think nationalism is blinding me, do not confuse my rants against Brutish Bullscutter with the many Scottish, English and Welsh friends I have known down through the years, most of whom are the salt of the Earth in my opinion and great people. It goes against every fibre of my being and tradition to be rude to people but you have got to stand up for your identity these days or become a smiling zombie product of their pundits and seductive manipulating bullscutter. Brutes are people too but we must take this tour d'arse with all of its insanity, as a relief from the bland sanitized, couldn't give a fuck mercenary BULLSCUTTER ! of our age.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Peaceful protesters worldwide are now met with police wearing body armour, face shields, helmets, batons, with other weaponry such as tear gas, rubber bullets, plastic bullets, sonic grenades and internment without trial, all developed, refined and show cased in British Occupied Ireland.
Political assassination under the cover of British mentored loyalist and recently pseudo republican groups, are controlled by British intelligence, from a recently constructed state of the art complex, appropriately called Hollywood. Indeed British intelligence in an ever more complex web and in the form of M15, also controls the mentored media and censored public perception to such an extent in Ireland, that they also control who is elected to a totalitarian Stormont without a legal oppostion, boasted to be a sectarian parliament for a sectarian people.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights restricts the use of internment. Article 9 states that "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."
During the 20th century, the arbitrary internment of civilians by the state, reached a climax with Nazi concentration camps in 1933–1945. Because of the negative connotations of the term "concentration camp," it has been replaced by the British in Occupied Ireland, with newer euphemisms of more sanitized terms, such as detention facility or internment by remand in gaols, with kangaroo jury less courts, on trumped up charges which remand politcal prisoners of conscience for years without trial.
Regardless of the actual circumstance or terms, political internment without trial in British Occupied Ireland has been a political reality, since the formation of the British mentored sectarian scum statelet called "northern Ireland" since its creation. Based on a sectarian headcount in the north-eastern corner of the small island called Ireland. The truth is that despite the recent surrender by certain nationalists, virtually the entire apparatus of government in occupied Ireland has been militarised right down to education in schools.
The organizing of state violence to protect the British theft of part of Ireland, includes the executing of state violence, in the name of "security" even in matters of civil disobedience or for example in the instance of Marian Price for simply expressing political ideas for a united Ireland and the removal of the British monarchy from Ireland.
The reality facing any irish person who genuinely supports a united republic, is that the entire system is bent on breaking dissent and protecting the status quo to the point of political internment without trial and political assassination by an unelected Englshman on he rmajesty's service as Secretary of State and another Englishman head of a paramilitary political miltary police expediting it, both unaccountable to anyone elected in Ireland based on secret service dictats that never see the light of a democratic process..
Sectarian and income inequality, currently in Ireland, isn't just about justice and making ends meet, it's about freedom, too. The perception of freedom for some, minimizes the role of Government in an individual's life, while maximizing greed, others see the obligation of the state being to protect, so that individuals can feel safe enough to be what they want to be. Either way political Internment without a fair trial is counter productive and as even that revered British Tory, Winston Churchill, said, "The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist - Winston Churchill, as quoted in In The Highest Degree Odious : Detention Without Trial in Wartime Britain (1992), by Professor A. W. B. Simpson.
The totalitarian British Stormont regime, which since its very inception, has depended on the deception and betrayal of fellow Irish men and women, both orange and green, continues to be so inwardly corrupt, that it can only support itself with constant lies (i.e secret service media control including censorship), along with brutal repression and political internment, instead of justice with free expression and genuine debate. Marian Price and her protestant brothers and sisters of imprisoned political conscience, have been silenced, interned without trial and censored by two un-elected English despots in their own land. You don't have to be a political Einstein, to see that this degree of injustice begets future revolution but then that would facilitate the lucrative British intelligence-industrial-war complex, which appears to fall within their explanation of "operational reasons".
Any serious student of the recent phase of the troubles in Ireland, is aware of the complex Kitsonian experiment in counter revolution being conducted by the British in Occupied Ireland and the undemocratic control both covertly and overtly of political puppets wielded by British secret services. As Oliver's Army put it at the start of almost 40 years of low intensive war in Ireland. "Down through the ages successive soldiers - flying the flag of British rule and peering out over hostile territory from their forts - have served in Ireland. Their presence and actions were aimed at suppressing the right of the Irish people to self-determination, but also contributed to the erosion of democracy inside Britain. In the 19th century Karl Marx had said that ‘a nation which enslaves another can never itself be free,’ and noted that ‘the English republic under Cromwell met shipwreck in Ireland’.
He also warned that Ireland was being used as a training ground and that the repressive measures implemented there would eventually be used at home. Two centuries before Marx, a Leveller, John Harris, had expressed similar views about Cromwell’s war in Ireland: ‘How contrary this is to the common interest of mankind let all the world judge, for a people that desire to live free, must almost equally with themselves, defend others from subjection...’ .."
The Political interment of Marian Price without trial may not directly affect us all personally today but as sure as night follow day it will eventually affect family, whether, trade unionist, student, mortgage holder, demonstrator, etc., sooner or later. Marian's political internment without trial by an unaccountable despot, is the political internment of everyone, to a lesser or greater extent. Whether you agree or disagree with Marian's politics for a united Ireland you can tell the Queen of England what exactly you think at the petition on this link !
Peaceful protesters worldwide are now met with police wearing body armour, face shields, helmets, batons, with other weaponry such as tear gas, rubber bullets, plastic bullets, sonic grenades and internment without trial, all developed, refined and show cased in British Occupied Ireland.
Political assassination under the cover of British mentored loyalist and recently pseudo republican groups, are controlled by British intelligence, from a recently constructed state of the art complex, appropriately called Hollywood. Indeed British intelligence in an ever more complex web and in the form of M15, also controls the mentored media and censored public perception to such an extent in Ireland, that they also control who is elected to a totalitarian Stormont without a legal oppostion, boasted to be a sectarian parliament for a sectarian people.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights restricts the use of internment. Article 9 states that "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."
During the 20th century, the arbitrary internment of civilians by the state, reached a climax with Nazi concentration camps in 1933–1945. Because of the negative connotations of the term "concentration camp," it has been replaced by the British in Occupied Ireland, with newer euphemisms of more sanitized terms, such as detention facility or internment by remand in gaols, with kangaroo jury less courts, on trumped up charges which remand politcal prisoners of conscience for years without trial.
Regardless of the actual circumstance or terms, political internment without trial in British Occupied Ireland has been a political reality, since the formation of the British mentored sectarian scum statelet called "northern Ireland" since its creation. Based on a sectarian headcount in the north-eastern corner of the small island called Ireland. The truth is that despite the recent surrender by certain nationalists, virtually the entire apparatus of government in occupied Ireland has been militarised right down to education in schools.
The organizing of state violence to protect the British theft of part of Ireland, includes the executing of state violence, in the name of "security" even in matters of civil disobedience or for example in the instance of Marian Price for simply expressing political ideas for a united Ireland and the removal of the British monarchy from Ireland.
The reality facing any irish person who genuinely supports a united republic, is that the entire system is bent on breaking dissent and protecting the status quo to the point of political internment without trial and political assassination by an unelected Englshman on he rmajesty's service as Secretary of State and another Englishman head of a paramilitary political miltary police expediting it, both unaccountable to anyone elected in Ireland based on secret service dictats that never see the light of a democratic process..
The state approved filtered media tell Irish people who live in the south of Ireland, that they live in a great free republic when in fact the reality is that it is still a neo-colonial statelet. The British approved media tell people that live in occupied Ireland or the north, that their institutions are democratic, that they are a free and self-governing and British indoctrinated people want to believe that but the censored reality is that it is now too much, even for a loyalist joke and political internment without trial is the odious proof of it.
Sectarian and income inequality, currently in Ireland, isn't just about justice and making ends meet, it's about freedom, too. The perception of freedom for some, minimizes the role of Government in an individual's life, while maximizing greed, others see the obligation of the state being to protect, so that individuals can feel safe enough to be what they want to be. Either way political Internment without a fair trial is counter productive and as even that revered British Tory, Winston Churchill, said, "The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist - Winston Churchill, as quoted in In The Highest Degree Odious : Detention Without Trial in Wartime Britain (1992), by Professor A. W. B. Simpson.
The totalitarian British Stormont regime, which since its very inception, has depended on the deception and betrayal of fellow Irish men and women, both orange and green, continues to be so inwardly corrupt, that it can only support itself with constant lies (i.e secret service media control including censorship), along with brutal repression and political internment, instead of justice with free expression and genuine debate. Marian Price and her protestant brothers and sisters of imprisoned political conscience, have been silenced, interned without trial and censored by two un-elected English despots in their own land. You don't have to be a political Einstein, to see that this degree of injustice begets future revolution but then that would facilitate the lucrative British intelligence-industrial-war complex, which appears to fall within their explanation of "operational reasons".
Any serious student of the recent phase of the troubles in Ireland, is aware of the complex Kitsonian experiment in counter revolution being conducted by the British in Occupied Ireland and the undemocratic control both covertly and overtly of political puppets wielded by British secret services. As Oliver's Army put it at the start of almost 40 years of low intensive war in Ireland. "Down through the ages successive soldiers - flying the flag of British rule and peering out over hostile territory from their forts - have served in Ireland. Their presence and actions were aimed at suppressing the right of the Irish people to self-determination, but also contributed to the erosion of democracy inside Britain. In the 19th century Karl Marx had said that ‘a nation which enslaves another can never itself be free,’ and noted that ‘the English republic under Cromwell met shipwreck in Ireland’.
He also warned that Ireland was being used as a training ground and that the repressive measures implemented there would eventually be used at home. Two centuries before Marx, a Leveller, John Harris, had expressed similar views about Cromwell’s war in Ireland: ‘How contrary this is to the common interest of mankind let all the world judge, for a people that desire to live free, must almost equally with themselves, defend others from subjection...’ .."
The Political interment of Marian Price without trial may not directly affect us all personally today but as sure as night follow day it will eventually affect family, whether, trade unionist, student, mortgage holder, demonstrator, etc., sooner or later. Marian's political internment without trial by an unaccountable despot, is the political internment of everyone, to a lesser or greater extent. Whether you agree or disagree with Marian's politics for a united Ireland you can tell the Queen of England what exactly you think at the petition on this link !
A Chairde there are 4,225 people petitioning for Marian Price at the following CAUSES on Facebook, which have been censored and the active administrators all removed, censored or blocked by British intelligence and their agents in Ireland. We will carry on with this petition here on CARE2.
free marian price wmv
British intelligence in Ireland whose activities in mentored, state sponsored loyalist assassination and murder is rarely documented but now they have gone rogue. Besides being involved in drug rackets all over Ireland, they are engaged in politically shaping all political parties and their agendas on all of the island.
While Labour has been bought and paid for by the unions who are already compromised, Fine Gael, bought and paid for by the culchies and Fianna Fail bought and paid for by everybody, their latest projected replacement PSF are paid and run by British intelligence.
The British Intelligence-Industrial-War complex in Ireland, have a vested interest in prolonging the last 40 years of troubles with the internment of traditional Irish republicans like Marian Price and other Irish republicans released under the Weston Park part of the peace agreement as provocation.
Brian, You signed on December 5, 2011.
Your signature has been delivered to:THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND
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